Mission Statement


Our mission is to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ and His imminent return, while promoting empowerment and unity among the members of the body of Christ.


Vision Statement 


In keeping with our God-given mission, we envision Harvest Time Church of Jesus Christ (Apostolic) as a loving, progressive, community of believers who will reach the unsaved residing in the Hollywood/North Miami area.


We are committed to reaching, discipling and empowering believers for ministry. We will carry out this mandate, by God’s grace, through Distribution of literature, Home Bible studies, Target population ministries, Educational training, Mass media ministries, Internet ministries, and Community Assistance ministries. 


We are committed to supporting churches and organizations of 'like faith' in attaining their God-given goals. We will strive to attain this goal by collaborating to share resources and by forming strategic partnerships. 


Core Values 


We shall keep our focus on our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, to do His will. 

We shall commit ourselves to biblical holiness in a world beset by moral decay.

We shall glorify our Lord in fervent, sincere praise and worship.

We shall earnestly contend for the faith as embodied by the Apostolic Doctrine.

We shall evangelize the unsaved and empower believers to attain their God-ordained purpose.

We shall commit ourselves to biblical disciplines of fasting, prayer and the study of God’s word. 

We shall be innovative in our methods, without abandoning biblical principles.

We shall foster an atmosphere of love as befits Disciples of Christ. 

We shall exemplify the love of Christ by assisting those in need.  

We shall strive to attain excellence in all that we do, to glorify our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.